Saturday 13 October 2012

(Day 85) Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center-day 72 C-11

sit-ups push-ups chairlifts
2 x 100 4 x 50 2 x 40, 4 x 30

Breakfast 2 hard boiled eggs
bread with red bean filling
soy milk
Lunch kimchi
chicken soup
sesame leave salad
soybean & spinach soup
unknown side dish

So far, no drama, but it's only 9 AM.

I find it really hard to find the motivation to exercise in the morning. I usually do it at night, however I know that once I'm out in the "real world", I'll probably be too occupied at night to exercise, which is why I'm trying to change the habit to mornings.

I've started a little buzz amongst the ajjoshii security guards. I showed one of my sketchbook yesterday I( think you gave me the Paris baguette bread and yogurt drink) and I showed him my other sketchbook today and he in turn showed it to another guard who commented on all the hard work that must have gone into producing it. Any publicity is good publicity.

It's now late afternoon and it's been a pretty uneventful day. The TV remote Nazi watched K-dramas from after breakfast (7:30) until lunch (11:30). Everybody else read or played cards. I drew. After lunch, I took a nap while a couple of people watched the Russian-Portugal soccer match. Now, one person is reading, one is playing cards, another is watching TV, I'm writing and the other 13 are napping. I wonder how they sleep through the night. I'm usually awake until 1 or 2 a.m. drawing or reading and I nap during after lunch, but these people are napping in the afternoon and going to bed at 10 p.m. They must just lay there awake, doing nothing... They used to play cards, but that's been banned and surprisingly most are honouring that ban. In the last room, they just moved the card game into the sleeping room, where the reflection from the darkened glass obscured the view from the outside of the cell. Here, they actually go to bed. Although, I heard the click-clack of checkers being played in another cell last night...

I did all my exercises at once, today. I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder. It hurts.

Star Trek was on TV. I was able to watch the whole thing without anyone changing the channel.

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